The path toward healing. (co-)dependence: recognize and overcome relationship addiction
14 – 18 April 2025
Learn how to break the chains that destroy your life

Codependence and EMDR
Codependence is defined as a psychological condition in which someone is in an unhappy and unhealthy relationship that involves living with and enabling ongoing dysfunctional behavior in another person. A codependent client is often very troubled by ongoing dysfunction in a relationship, and the client’s unsuccessful “solution” that is tried again and again is to shame the self while continuing to be invested in maintaining a positive image of the partner—or, more specifically, how the client hopes and wishes the partner to be. This emotional investment in an idealized image of the partner may be driven by memories of a subset of genuinely positive experiences as well as times when meeting the needs of the other resulted in praise or temporary emotional safety.
These positive memories may be emotionally satisfying in themselves, and this positive feeling may block and prevent full awareness of other disturbing and traumatic events that have occurred within that relationship, thus impairing the effectiveness of standard EMDR targeting of those events. These instances of intense ambivalence, idealization of the perpetrating partner may be serving as a psychological defense, preventing full and comprehensive realization of the abuse as well as full awareness of choices regarding future actions.
EMDR Protocols
The EMDR Protocol for the treatment of codependency targets memories of abuse, patterns of addictive behavior and negative cognitions leading to low self esteem. Typically the memories of abuse involve emotional or verbal abuse such as negative talk from an addicted parent or spouse, feelings of loss due to excessive demands for caring for the family or longstanding patterns of self blame in the face of hopelessness to change a bad situation. In some cases codependent behavior is linked to all forms of child abuse including verbal, sexual, physical abuse and neglect and the person additionally has symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder.
Successful EMDR creates a more realistic perspective of one’s self and abilities. In general this creates an increase in self esteem. As self esteem increases the need to please others to aid one’s self esteem decreases. Additionally the client is more able to rationally distance themselves from unfair self blame and begin to create a broader narrative applied to personal choice and management of personal safety. The distance from emotional reactivity combined with increased rational thinking will cause the client’s symptoms of anxiety and depression and posttraumatic stress to decease or end.
The workshop
The overall goal is to help develop a sense of competence, confidence and self-steem, a stronger sense of self(worth), awareness of abuse, and to learn to draw boundaries.
In this residential workshop we will work in a group setting, but individual therapeutic and EMDR sessions are also available.
The 5-day workshop will have a maximum of 7-8 participants. Group sessions will be held in the morning, the remainder of your day is free for relax and different activities and offers the possibility to appreciate the beautiful surroundings and Italian cuisine.
Recovery specialists and therapists are very welcome to accompany their clients.
The Retreat provides guests with well-furnished, comfortable two-bed shared apartments with private bathroom, kitchen and living, on half board basis, in a quiet and secluded region of Le Marche region, with an open view over the surrounding green hills, the foothills of the Apennine mountains. A single use apartment is also available on request.
Besides peaceful walking trails for hiking that offer an abundance of stunning and breathtaking views, the estate offers a pool in panoramic position, nearby or on site yoga classes, archery lessons, a weekly market, and why not, for those who love the Italian cuisine, a cooking class where you learn cooking true Italian style.
For more information regarding program details, costs, etc. just send me a mail (, and, or call me at: +39 333 3230381.

Adult children of alcoholics
Many adult children who grew up in a dysfunctional home have been deeply affected by their experiences and often seek counselling and professional treatment to help resolve these issues.

Family therapeutic holidays
Discover how the road to recovery can also be fun and pleasure. Your family holiday will become the best holiday ever!

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy. An integrative therapy known to help people heal from traumatic or upsetting events.
Questions? Please contact us
Do you have any questions about the programs? Would you like to know more, make a reservation? Just send a mail to: